14 proven natural ways to get rid of Acne and pimples in 2020.

Acne and pimples

Remove Acne and Pimples from face naturally

Hi friends ,  today we will talk about acne and pimples and will give you some best possible tips and tricks to get rid of acne and pimples naturally.
Acne is one of the most common problem globally and it not only effects sychological development but also effects a person’s self esteem not just in teen agers but also in adults.
  •  Genetic reasons
  • Environment - dust , heat , sunlight , sweeting etc.
  • Sometimes due to Abnormal hormones or hormonal disturbance.
  •  Bad eating habits .
  • Due to use of harmful  cosmetic products.

So it is important to identify and treat before it cause any other problems .

Start with skin care

1.Wash your face daily

Acne and pimples.
Start washing your face twice a day. Friends by washing your face twice a day  then it will not produce the excessive oil it usually reduce produce. It was just excessive oil from your face and also clears in your pods Porsche. Keep in mind that when you wash face hands on your face in circular motion.

 Don't rub it too fast. If you rabbit fast then your skin will feel feeling irritating which can lead to growth of increase of acne on your face.
For face wash use toxin free face washes available in the market. Which will suit your skin.  
so wash your face regularly. One after waking up on the morning and other before going for sleep at night.

2.Drink plenty of water

Remove acne and pimples
It's very important that   you should not let your skin hydatid dehydrated.  usually when there is deficiency of water  it becomes difficult to flush out the toxins from aur our body which again leads to pimples that's why we should always keep our  body hydrated.

 One of the best way to drink one or two glass of water immediately after waking up in the morning.  this will clean your stomach and will prevent your skin  from the danger of pimples and will result in skin glow.

 3.Use sunscreen while going out

Remove acne and pimples
Friends the time between 12 to 3 is the time when the uv rays of the sun are very high which is harmful for your skin. The direct exposure of your acne prone skin is a very bad idea. So if  you are planning for going out during this time then try to have a sun scream or  try to cover your face with sun glass and cap to protect your skin from sun rays.

 4.Avoid touching your skin
Get rid of Acne and pimples naturally
If your skin is acne prone or whether its not , avoid frequently touching your skin. You cant imagine expect that when you frequently touch your skin repeatedly it transfers so many different bacteria to your skin which later results in pimples and other skin problems.

 That is why the one who touches his own skin the most suffers with pimple problems. So try to avoid your hands contact with your skin.

5.Don’t pop your pimples
Get rid of Acne and pimples
The most common and biggest mistake that everyone does is to pop their pimples. Because when you pop your pimples , the puss in your skin starts spreading out and causes more pimples.
It can also cause spots on your face. So this kind of action is to be strictly avoided.

6.Exercise and shower

                     Get rid of Acne and pimples

If you are frequently suffering with pimple problems then I would suggest you to do daily exercises and yoga. Daily exercise is highly recommended for acne prone skin. Exercise leads to sweeting which which the dead skin cells and bad cells in pores comes out from our skin.

Think if you take shower after it that will wash every bacteria and germs from your skin and you can get a pimple free skin.

7.Wash your fabrics regularly
Friends the thinks that you use daily in your day to day life like blanket , pillow , towel , clothes etc  are important to be washed daily for your skin care. It helps you to prevent your pimples and acne problems.
Its obvious that you use all these necessities time to time which results in accumulation of germs and bacteria and which ultimately gets transferred to your face and body due to your daily contact. So try to wash your fabrics atleast twice a week that will help you to be safe and healthy.

8.Avoid wearing makeup
I know it may sound funny but its true. Makeups are usually rich in toxins and chemicals ,which is harmful for your skin.

Specifically for girls makeup becomes a biggest and a important cause of pimples. But I a, not saying to completely avoid your makeup just keep 2-3 things in your mind. First , is to use non- comedogenic makeup and  second and the most important one is to wash your makeup before going bed at night.

9.Sleep well
Get rid of Acne and pimples naturally
Friends if you really want a clear glowing skin and take a good sleep at night.a good sleep at night gives your skin some time to recover which initially helps you to avoid pimple problems and gives you a glowing skin. 
On the other hand if you compromise with your sleep it will cause your stress hormones to increase which will decrease your skin glow.

Now the time for nutritional aspect and what to eat and what not to eat?

10.Avoid oily junk food 

Remove pimples and acne naturally
The most important step in your diet to avoid pimples is avoiding oily food from your diet. It obvious that the more oil you eat the more oil your skin will produce. Eating oily food is the root cause of acne and pimples. Eating oily food also results in other health problems and skin related problems. So it good to avoid oily and junk food.

For some days try to avoid outside oily junk food and I can assure you that you will definitely see the positive results in few days. Eat homemade healthy food and try to add mustard or coconut oil instead of refined oil.

11.Eat food with high dietary fibers

It important to include high dietary fiber in your diet.
Whole wheat.
  • Oats
  • Brown rice
  • Fruits
  • Fresh vegetables
Include these fiber rich food in your regular diet to get faster and efficient results. High fiber diet helps to easily remove toxins from your body which prevent causing pimples and acne on your face.

12.Eat food high in water content

We have already seen that keeping our skin and body hydrated is so much important . Eating fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables helps to you to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Watermelon
  • Cucumber
  • Apple
  • Orange
  • Cauliflower
All these food are rich in water content which will help to keep your body hydrated .

13.Avoid high sugary food
 Avoid eating chocolates, cold drinks , packet juices and outside sweet for some days. All these food harms your health so much that can’t even imagine . So try avoid or if not possible atleast try to have it small amount.
Refined sugar that is chemically processed is washed with sulphur which our body find to difficult to break down which results in increase of toxins in our body.

14.Have zinc rich food

Zinc is the best possible mineral source for skin development. Scientists have found that deficiency of zinc in our body increases the pimple and acne causing probability.
  • Kidney beans
  • Lentils
  • Roasted flax seeds
  • Cashews
These are some of the best sources of zinc . so I would suggest you add it to your weekly diet to get best possible results against acne and pimples

Also avoid spicy food , smoking and alcohol which increases heat in your body which can create  pimples.
So friends ,If you follow all these tips then your skin will get healed from within which will be highly beneficial for you to get rid of acnes and pimples. This is the only effective way to get rid of acne and pimples naturally .

I can assure you that by following these tips you will start getting results in just 1week.

Stay home , stay safe

Thank you

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