Best pre and post workout Diet by top dietitian || 2020

What to eat before and after workout

Pre and post workout diet

Diet  is the most important aspect of fitness bodybuilding and weight weightloss. Without following a proper diet , it is difficult to get your desired physic. Your diet should be full of nutrients.

Most of you always get confused about what we should  eat before workout ?and what we should eat after a workout ?

What you eat before and after workout will have a big impact on how well you will perform during workout.

Eating before and after workout and different areas to benefit your body and health. Pre-workout and post-workout meal are considered as one of the most important aspect of your workout.They are so much important that sometimes they are called ‘ The window of Growth’.
Healthy life
If you are doing good and efficient workout and not giving any attention to pre and post meal diet  then you will not gonna get positive results.

It is don’t a concern if your goal is muscle building or fat loss but the requirement of nutrition in both the cases is the same. It will be a disadvantage if you ignore the proper nutrition required .

 Meals taken before and after workout will remain and will benefit you in high amount as compared to the meal you take in rest of the day. So lets start . 

Pre - workout Diet

Pre workout diet
A good pre-workout meal will not only maximize your energy level for workout but will also prevent  your from muscle damage.

 So which meal should we consider as a best pre-workout meal?
  • Medium in protein. 
  • Rich in carbohydrates.
  •  Low in fat. 

So it is important to keep in mind that whether you goal is to gain muscles or loss fat you must keep your protein breakdown rates lower and protein synthesis rates higher.

some studies shows that  having protein and carbohydrates before workout will help you to gain muscles and enhance your muscles growth while other studies shows the opposite idea that pre-workout amino acid and carbs provides more benefits for your muscles when having them in post workout diet.
What to eat before Workout
And the reason for this completely opposite study results is because it depends upon what you have already ate in the rest of the day .

If you already had a meal with good amount of protein before some couple of hours of your workout taking in more amino acid like a protein shake before workout that will really make much difference in decreasing muscle breakdown rates during your workout.

On the other hand if you don’t had any protein before workout its a good idea to eat 20 to 30 grams of protein to get some amino acid into  your stream.

 You can do this by having a regular meal if you have an hour before to digest it before your workout.
 These are -
  •  Chicken breast
Eat chicken before Workout

  • Eggs
Eggs are good to eat before workout

  •  Fish

Fish is a good pre without food
These are the couple good sources to have a good protein you should have. But if you workout in the morning right after waking up you could have a protein shake instead as
because it could be digested lot more faster . There may be lots of debates regarding pre-workout protein there isn't much debate about carbohydrates.Your body uses the glucose from carbohydrates to fuel your workout.

Unfortunately the glucose stored in your muscles and liver aren’t enough and it constantly being used during workout. So having it before workout can help you to postpone your fatigue.

Also accordingto studies,when researchers compared between peoples with low carb diet and high carb diet , they found that people with high carb diet have maintained there strength , recovered faster from heavy workout and are more in a anabolic muscle building state.

It is also being found by the researchers that having carbohydrates before exercise will provide you additional fuel and strength for your workout.

This will allow you to lift heavier weights and will allow  your body to do more reps in an easier and faster way. This will lead to more muscle growth and loss of waste fat .
  •  White rice 

Eat rice before workout

  • Potatoes
Eat potato before workout

  • Bananas
Eat banana before workout
If you plan for long duration workout for about 4-5 hours that you should have high glycemic carbs which you can get by eating white rice , potatoes and bananas before your workout.

If you are planing to do longer duration endurance type workout then you should go for low glycemic carbs before workout like -
  •   Brown rice
    Brown rice is a good pre workout meal
  • Sweet potatoes
Pre workout Diet also includes sweet potatoes.

  • Oats
    Oats is good at pre workout meal.
I would suggest you to have some good amount of carbohydrates before workout but many bodybuilders suggests splitting 50% of your total daily carbs between pre- workout and post-workout diet.

So if you are eating 200 grams of carbs per day then you would have 25 grams before workout and 25 grams after workout and other 50 grams throughout the rest of the day.

If your main goal is to build muscles or get stronger this straight could be very useful.

If your goal is to lose weight then you can go for an empty stomach workout .

Researches have shown that working out empty stomach helps you to burn fat but it sometimes leads to worst scenerio like earlier strength loss before workout.

 Empty stomach also increases acidity rates which leads to bad results to your health and if don’t face such problems it is better for you to workout on an empty stomach but if you are not comfortable then I would suggest you to have some faster digestive small meal before workout if your goal is to loss weight . 

Post workout Diet

Post workout Diet

 Like pre-workout meal post workout meal is also important may be more than that. A good workout  meal will help you recover faster and efficiently.
 After workout the most important macronutrient that body needs is protein.
We should add Protein in post workout diet
This is because when you workout , your muscle fibres breaks so protein helps you heal your muscles and increase them.

 Once you finished workout the rate of musles protein breakdown increases unless you do something  about it it will outstrip the rate of protein synthesis and you will actually start to loose muscle tissues.

Thats why its important to add about 20-40 grams of protein to your body within a couple of hours after finishing your workout.

The type of protein that you will have should be digest faster like a  protein shake for example.
Protein shake is must in post workout Diet.
 This will immediately provide you the amino acid leucine to your muscle cells and lucine is a powerful stimulator of protein synthesis.

 It will also release some insulin which will help you to prevent muscle protein breakdown.

 Studies have shown that having a protein immediately after workout will help  you to build muscles more faster then having it in rest of the day.

So protein shake is the best source for these kind of benefits.

If you didn’t have a pre-workout meal before workout the sooner you can take some protein after your heavy workout the better it will be for your muscles.

 So if you have workout fastest it is important to have a protein immediately after workpout. 


Carbohydrates is important in post workout Diet.
Carbohydrates is also important to to regain the energy lost during workout. Studies have suggested that having carbs to spike in insulin after workout will increase your protein synthesis however, protein alone can provide the spike in insulin that you need to increase protein synthesis. If you are  following a kitogenic diet ( full of protein and fat) then carbs can be avoided but it doesn't change the fact that if you are not following a ketogenic diet adding carbs will boost the process even more .

 Another reason to have post workout carbs is it will increase glycogen level in muscle cells like I have already said having glycogin in your muscles will increase your performance strength and will enable  you to lift heavy weights for your next workout .
Carbohydrates in post workout Diet
 Your muscles are in a sponge like state after workout ready to absorbed carbohydrates rather than storing fat .

 This is why some studies have also  suggested to eat half a gram of carbs for every pound of bodyweight after your workout.

However , other studies have shown that your body can just continue slowly refueling the glycogen stored in your muscles through the carbs you eat in rest of the day.

So if you don’t want to have a majority of your daily carbs post workout then you don’t need to have such a high amount of carbs unless you working out twice a day or more.
So to take advantage of increased insulin response and slow muscle breakdown rates to promote Positive muscle building hormones like growth hormone. I would suggest to have some amount of fast digestive carbs like potatoes and bananas or white rice after your workout.

Now As far as dietary fat post workout many believe that you shouldn’t have any fat after workout because it will slower the digestion of your meal or shake.

Some studies have shown that muscles aren't affected even after having a high fat meal after workout.So if you want to have a healthy fat after workout you can go for it but it is not necessary.

And you you are trying to get nutrients faster after having workout it may be a good idea to keep fat into the lower end of post workout diet.

Instead give more focus on having protein and carbs.

 The last thing I am going to suggest is to have a post workout supplements.

Supplement is important in your post workout Diet.
It will boost energy production and muscle cells to improve your performance .Taking supplements after workout will increase your performance rate and will result in high increase in your endurance  and will lead to maximizing the level of your workout and reps.

So let's end it here i hope you found it really helpful and  liked it.

Thank you. 

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  1. Good info and I liked the pics. I usually work out on an empty stomach and then eat.

  2. Very informative! Thanks for sharing

  3. very informative.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  7. Nice blog very interesting and informative... Thanks for sharing 🤗
