Top 10 mistakes that stop your weightloss || lose your weight easily

 Mistakes that stop weightloss

The difficulty level of the weight loss game varies from person to person. Some might wanna achieve it for better health while some want it just for the gram. Most of the time as we proceed with weightloss, the pace of scales numbers going down goes down too.

But is it always a natural slowdown? Or are you making a grave mistake?

Today we will be counting down 10 such common mistakes which might be slowing you down in your weight loss marathon. Nope, i am not leaving you right there. I will also be giving you the best tips to help you break through it.

 Top 10 weightloss mistakes

1. The Invisible Loss
Weightloss mistake - invisible loss
If there is a loss, there are gains too. This is a fact one must remember while trying to burn fat. On the basis of hormonal levels, food and water intake, body’s weight fluctuates.

It is absolutely normal to not see a change in your scale number. Nope s, checking it 10 times isn’t gonna change anything unless your scale is faulty. At times one might be getting muscle mass while losing weight and fat.

This can finish up looking like no net loss. But in reality, you aren’t just realising your progress. See, you have been cursing yourself for no reason. Therefore, it is recommended to use parameters such as body fat percentage instead of body weight to understand your progress.

So even if you see a loss plateau, don’tsnap at your trainer. Just trust the process. 

2. Unawareness

Unawareness is the most common mistake to weightloss
“Ahh! I worked out for a good 1 hour. I must have burned so many calories. Meh, this one slice of cheese cake will not do anything.” And that’s how so many healthy regimes have been broken.

Being unaware of what you are putting in your body can nullify all your efforts. Some studies are there which  proves that keeping track of your diet can help you lose weight more faster. To do so, you can use Calorie calculators to get an estimate of your calorie intake.

Using food diaries and taking pictures of your meals can be helpful too. Moreover, it’ll give you a valid justification for spending a good 15 minutes just clicking on your food. 

3. The Incomplete Diet

Incomplete diet is the most common mistake during weightloss
As important as it is to track your meals, it is important to make sure your meals have everything you need. Single most important macromolecule body needs for weight loss is Protein.

Yes, forget muscle building, we are talking about its need in just weight loss alone. You can boost your metabolism by 80-100 calories per day by just consuming protein at 25-30% calories. So in a way, you are bringing down what you need by extracting more from what you are eating.

Smart choice, right? It helps in controlling the urge to munch on snacks every now and then. High protein intake helps in regulating appetite hormones, such as Ghrelin. It also prevents a metabolic shutdown, keeping your weight loss bicycle rolling in the deep. 

4. Starvation

Weightloss mistake - starvation
“Dieting” could be a word our generation is silently fascinated with.

The first mistake we tend to observed was AN invisible loss.But remember that there won't be any loss happening in the least and THAT’S ALRIGHT! At times hitting a plateau just means that you need a break.

Constantly putting a strain on yourself by being too restrictive is harmful too. Once you reach such a stage, try maintaining your body fat levels for a few months. This can be later followed by weight loss-aimed workouts.

There is a sweet spot one needs to hit between going overboard with eating habits and starving.  We have a small tip for you.

 The best approach is to increase the calorie intake per day and burn what you take. This way it’ll be translated in the form of constructive gains and you’ll keep going up, with nothing stopping you. 

5. Binge Eating

Eating in bulk hinders your weightloss

Well, just because there’s nothing stopping you don’t think binge eating is fine. When taken in small amounts, even eating alot feels like barely grabbing a snack. It doesn’t matter whether you are intersect on healthy options or junk.

Your body doesn’t give step-motherly treatment to calories coming from any source. It is an absolute myth that eating small meals many times a day is healthy. The one who came up with it wanted to ruin everyone’s diet plans.

What an awful person. According to studies, there is in fact little to no relation between meal frequencies and weight loss. You can instead opt for techniques such as“Mindful Eating” and “Intermittent fasting”. The first technique requires you to eat without distractions.
Weightloss mistake - over Eating
No music in the background and no ‘Friends’episode playing. Savour each bite you take. This isn’t important just from the enjoyment angle but it helps your brain too. With no distraction, your natural signals help your brain understand how much is enough.

This method can help you curb your binge eating habits. Intermittent fasting, on the other hand, involves deliberate no food intake periods of up to 15-24 hours.

 Sounds like a lot? Ahem. So is eating 15 times a day in small amounts. We know what you’re thinking...“Who, me!?”. Oh i’ve heard about your eating habits.

6. The Unbalanced Workout

Unbalanced workout is another mistake of weightloss
Weight loss discussions are incomplete without describing what an ideal workout should look like. Why? Because this is the area we make major mistakes in. Overdoing one type of exercise and completely neglecting the other one is a common mistake.

Resistance coaching like lifting weights ought to conjure a serious a part of your sweating hours.This helps maintain muscle mass, whereas keeping the body well-toned.Cardio exercises such as jogging, cycling and swimming on the other hand increase your heart rate.

This is an effective way of burning the harmful visceral fat building around your organs. A higher heart rate also pumps more oxygen-rich blood to cells.

 This is the second area after the diet you must find a balance in. A little of everything is the key to the perfect workout.

7. Wrong Fluid Intake

Weightloss mistake - wrong Fluid Intake
Taking what we don’t need and leaving what we do. I guess this is the mantra we apply to all areas of our lives, including our diet. Let’s talk about something we all need,water. The undefeated warrior in the battle against weight loss.

Studies have proven that consuming 17 ounces of water 30 minutes before meals can significantly boost your weight loss. It can boost calorie burning by 24-30%. But we did say we take what we don’t need. Remember? Let’s talk about your love for Alcohol.

We aren’t going to demonize it. But just accept it, sugary alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer is a big ‘no’ when weight loss is what you are aiming for. Let’s forget the sugar it has for a second. Alcohol itself contains 7 calories per gram. Ahem.

But, if it is something you absolutely wanton a weekend, kindly stick to drinks such as Vodka mixed with Zero-Calorie beverages. That’s the max we can allow you! No more negotiations! 

8. Being Nocturnal

Taking a bad sleep is a big common mistake in weightloss
Humans need sleep during night time. Say that 10 times over and let it sink in. If that doesn’t help, maybe have it as yourphone’s wallpaper. Poor sleep cycles are proven to be among the biggest risk factors for obesity.

You have above 55% to 89% greater risk of becoming obese than that girl, Rebecca, who sleeps on time. Nope, being a social butterfly till 2 AM isn’t gonna help your summer body goals.

 So stop saying, “Thank you, Next” to all your plans of sleeping well. Yeah, that applies to you too Ariana, in case you are watching.

9. Undiagnosed Medical Conditions
Undiagnosed condition is another weightloss mistske
Yeah, such cases do exist. Medical conditions driving weight gain do go unnoticed. There are various conditions such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and sleep apnea.

In such cases, either the condition itself for the medications can make weight loss way harder than normal. Certain food addictions can also be a hurdle in the way. About 19.9% of people in North American and Europe were classified as Food Addicts in a 2014 study.

Looks like President Trump isn’t the only one with insane food habits. If you deem yourself fitting in the criteria of any of the above-mentioned conditions. We, then you aren’t fit. We advise you to seek medical attention.

10.Unrealistic Expectations

Unrealistic expectations is the common weightloss mistake
In every fitness video we make, setting unrealistic bars is a mistake we always point out. No machine has 100% efficiency and capacity to work perpetually.
Same is your body. Setting your goals equivalent to magazine cover’s fitness models isn’t fair.,

No we aren’t demotivating you. We are just telling the truth that Photoshop doesn’t work in real life. Weight loss is a gradual process and needs patience.

Persistence is the key, no matter which diet plan or celebrity trainer you follow.

If you have reached a healthy point and yourscale doesn’t seem to go any lower, stop putting more strain. Now that you have achieved it with your hardwork, it’s time to focus on the scale of self-acceptance.

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