How to Boost immune system || 7 ways to Boost your immunity

Boost your immunity power
Hey there, viewers! Have you been wondering about how to boost your immunity? Our immune system is designed to protect the body against disease-causing microorganisms like bacteria and viruses.

Every healthy body depends on a strong immune system to keep our body safe against illness.

Today we are going to  talk about 7 ways to boost your immune system naturally.

1. Eat Citrus Fruits

Eat Citrus Fruits
The first step towards building a stronger immunity is to increase your intake of vitamin C-rich foods. Citrus fruits like lemon and orange are rich in vitamin C. 

This is required for your body to fight against pathogens ( causes disease) .Citrus is rich in plant compounds that have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. These compounds include more than 60 types of carotenoids, flavonoids, and essential oils.
 All of these compounds add health benefits and boost immunity. Don’t worry, if you hate the taste of limes. There are other citrus fruits you can enjoy. Make a bowl full of salad. This salad will include sweet oranges, mandarins, and grape fruit.

 You can also a glass of lemonade every morning to Boost your immunity. Just make sure you don’t destroy the health benefits by adding sugar.

2. Garlic

Dislike the taste? Well you need to find a way to get over it. Garlic has major benefits. You need to build a strong immune system tobe able to fight against infections.

 Garlic has medicinal properties that can play an important role in boosting immunity.
Besides active sulfur compounds, this nutritious spice contains allicin, diallyl disulfide, and s-allyl cysteine. Garlic is particularly rich in nutrients like Vitamin C, selenium and fiber.

 Sulfurou's compounds present in garlic boost immunity by fighting against foreign bodies that cause chronic illness and infections.
It breaks off cell-to-cell communication in disease-causing bacteria. Your immune system gets compromised when your body is dealing with chronic diseases like hypertension. These conditions can further cause  life threatening cardiovascular issues such as heart attacks and strokes.
Studies have found that garlic has a positive impact on reducing blood pressure.

 One particular piece of research concluded that high doses of garlic were just as effective as the drug Atenolol in reducing the blood pressure in hypertension patients.

The participants were given 600–1,500 milli grams of garlic extract for a period of 24 weeks. It is very easy to incorporate garlic into your diet.

You can add it to your soups, pasta, and even noodles. This is one hell of a delicious spice that adds layers of flavor to the dish. Are you enjoying this list so far? Well, this next point will surely surprise you.

3. Broccoli
Eat broccoli
If you are like me and have a love-hate relationship with broccoli, you might start liking it after learning about the health benefits it offers. Broccoli is a rich source of various vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

It contains bioactive compounds like glucosamine hat play an important role in the defense against pathogens. Broccoli contains vitamins C, A, E, and K.To get maximum health benefits from broccoli, you can eat it either raw or steamed.

Boiling, microwaving, and stir-frying alter its composition. However, broccoli still remains an exceptional source of vitamin C. Every healthy and strong immune system relies heavily on Vitamin C, as it is the most vital supplement for building and maintaining cells and tissues.
One cup of raw broccoli contains 135% of your recommended daily intake. Another reason you need to eat more broccoli is that it helps in regulating blood sugar levels. Well maintained and balanced blood sugar levels are mandatory to ensure you have a healthy immune system.

Antioxidants in broccoli and its dietary fiber content play a critical role in lowering the blood sugar levels. So the next time you go grocery shopping,fill up your cart with broccoli.

4. Yogurt

Do you lik.e yogurt? Well, there are even more reasons to love this delicious and healthy dessert. Yogurt has been found to have wonderful effects on our immunity.

Yogurt is a dairy product packed with nutrients beneficial to your health. Protein content in yogurt is much higher than that in milk.

Now you may wonder what the correlation is between protein and immunity? It seems like a lot! A strong immune system relies upon healthy cells that are able to repair themselves quickly. And each cell needs protein to help rebuild and repair body tissues.

This makes protein an essential building block required for healthy bones, muscles, skin, hair, and blood. Greek yogurt is one of the healthiest sources of protein if you are keeping away from meat.

 It has thicker consistency than non-strained yogurts. It vitalizes the immune system to fight against illness. Remember, flavored yogurts might be more delicious but their health benefits get lost in the sugar overload.

 Another reason to include more yogurt smoothies into your diet is that they are super charged with vitamin D, which helps to regulate the immune system and boost the body’s natural defense against disease.

So the next time you are shopping for yogurt,look for the variety that contains active-live culture and is fortified with Vitamin D.

5. Ginger
Eat Garlic to boost your immune system
A cup of ginger tea has many health benefits to offer, especially its strong anti-inflammatory effects on your immunity. In a lot of cultures, ginger is considered a spice of medicinal value and is given to people suffering from the common cold, nausea, and vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting are tell-tale signs of inflammation, indicating that your immune system is not functioning properly. Ginger contains four important bioactive compounds-gingerols, paradols, shogaols, and zingerone.

All of them produce a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Ginger is very effective in calming an upset stomach. It can be safely used to prevent post operative vomiting and morning sickness during pregnancy.
If you are still not convinced about ginger’srole in boosting your immune system, here’s something else to consider. Experts have found fresh ginger to be effective as an anti-viral substance against the human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV).

You better start including ginger in your diet. Make teas or opt for its dried powder form. Some people add ginger to their freshly pressed natural juice.

Ginger shots are getting popular among Health and fitness enthusiasts as an easy way to boost immunity. It is usually topped with honey and lemon,both of which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

6. Green Tea
Green tea for immunity
There is a reason green tea makes it to every list of healthy foods. It is a rich source of major antioxidants, flavonoids, and important bioactive compounds like polyphenols. Thanks to the beneficial compounds found in green tea, it has a wonderful impact on increasing the activity of regulatory ‘T-cells’.

T-cells play a crucial role in the suppression of auto immune disease and in boosting immune function. Another good thing about green tea is that many of its beneficial components are preserved in all the steps, right from the tea leaves to the final brew you drink.
Green tea consists of polyphenols, a type of plant antioxidant, which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Green tea polyphenols possess catechin called EGCG (Epigallocatech in Gallate), which is a natural antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage.

Experts believe EGCG is the most effective cancer chemo preventive polyphenol in green tea. By preventing the oxidative damage caused by free radicals, antioxidants in green tea shield against oxidative stress. Switch to sugarless green tea and make sure you live a healthy lifestyle.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric lattes have grown in popularity over the last few years. Ever asked yourself why? It turns out the deep yellow spice absolutely rocks when it comes to health benefits! Turmeric is a plant from the ginger family that is widely used in Asian food for its bitter and warm flavor.

It is especially known for its use in various curries. Turmeric gets its characteristic color and flavor from a component called curcumin. Curcumin possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties.

Turmeric is known to reduce aggravation in the joints of people struggling with arthritis. It has a shielding effect on the liver by preventing toxins from damaging its functioning. If that’s not all, turmeric is an immune system modulator.

Even with lower doses of turmeric, you can improve your body’s response to infections and antibodies. One of the best ways to include turmeric in your diet is by drinking it with milk.

Add a pinch of turmeric to a glass of warm milk and drink it before bedtime. Are you taking care of your immune system? Have you tried any of these suggestions to boost it? Let me know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you.

Thank you.

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