How to lose weight || 15 Food for weight loss || healthy life

Food for weight loss

 Hey there viewers, Although you may have been told over and over how easy it is for men to lose weight it’s not!

You may perhaps have heard things like; taking pills for fat loss , follow this or that diet, or buy this equipment, and everything will be done .

Yet, weight loss remains a struggle for millions of men and women.
 But good news is that there are some foods that can help your body burn more calories, give you a boost of energy and keep you feeling full longer for maximum efficiency.

 You can lose weight faster by including these fat-burning foods in your regular diet. And in today’s article I will tell you about the best fat burning foods for men.

 From fish, eggs, apple, celery to cacao and more, read till the end to learn about all of them.

1. Fatty Fish

Most people don’t eat enough fatty fish. But, fish especially varieties like salmon,mackerel, and sardines are packed full of protein as well as heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

 Protein is the most satiating macronutrient,and it also has a higher thermic effect of feeding or TEF than either carbohydrates or fats.

 In other words, not only do you feel more full when eating a high-protein diet, your body also burns more calories digesting the food you eat.

 Research shows that individuals consuming fish oil supplements can lose more weight and experience lower cortisol levels tha individuals who do not use fish oil supplements.

2. Chilli Pepper

Chilli peppers are in famous for their spiciness. As you may have likely experienced, when you eat a lot of spicy dishes, your body starts to sweat.

 This is because chilli peppers are rich in capsaicin known to stimulate thermogenesis and boost metabolism. A review found that capsaicin helps reduce appetite and may increase energy expenditure by 50 calories per day.
 Furthermore, chilli peppers may also help support fat loss by promoting fullness and preventing overeating. 

3. Avocado
Avocado is high in healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which promote satiety. A study found that adding half an avocado at lunch may help overweight people feel more satisfied and reduce their desire to eat inthe hours following a meal. 

Since avocado is an anti-inflammatory food,it may have a secondary effect. Inflammation can definitely interfere with a lot of different things in your body, including metabolism.

 If you’re trying to lose weight, be mindful of portion sizes. One quarter of an avocado has 80 calories and 8 grams of fat.

4. Eggs

Eggs are not only low in calories, but because they’re an excellent source of protein and some healthy fat, they stave off hunger.  

They are a good source of B vitamins,which have been pointed to promote  metabolism. 
B vitamins help convert the foods you eat into energy, so they help with processing those calories better and using them for energy.

 A research published looked at over weight and obese adults over an eight-week period. They were divided into 2 groups.
 One of these groups ate two eggs for at least five days a week for breakfast and the other group consumed the same amount of calories but ate bagels.

 The egg eaters lost 65 percent more body weight, 16 percent more body fat, had a 61 percent greater reduction in body mass index or BMI and a 34 percent greater reduction in waist circumference.

5. Apple
Apples are high in fiber and eating just one can give you a feeling of fullness. A big apple contains nearly five grams of fiber.
are also abundant in pectin, which has been shown to double the time it takes for the stomach to empty when compared toother fiber.

 In short, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Pectin restricts fat absorption by the cells,thereby helping the cells to remove fat.

Apples also have certain polyphenols that activate the fat burning genes, delivering a double whammy to your stubborn fat deposits. Apples are also high in antioxidants that improve oxidation in your body, which depletes fat deposits further.

6. Cacao
Cacao and cocoa have the same plant origins, but the difference between the two is a little more than a slight spelling variation.

Cacao is simply the raw fruit of the plant,one of the best fat-burning foods there is. Once the seed is roasted, it becomes cocoa.

In its raw form, Cacao is a treasure house of nutrition and is nearly like a fat-burning medicine.
For starters, cacao contains antioxidants known as polyphenols, which may assist in  treating obesity.

A study demonstrated that mice fed on cocoa had lower levels of plasma insulin. They also had lower levels of inflammatory indicators and diabetes.

 Many other studies have shown that cocoa exhibits  high antioxidant activity and improves insulin sensitivity. This all adds up to a leaner, happier you.

7. Yogurt
With it being low in both fat and calories, yoghurt is the ideal food to add to your diet if you're hoping to lose weight. It can help improve your digestive health, and combat against bloating and excessive gas through the probiotics it contains.

 A recent study revealed just how good yogurt is for blitzing belly fat. The results revealed that participants who ate 18 ounces of yoghurt per day lost, on average, 81 percent more belly fat compared to those who opted to diet without eating yoghurt.

 It's also a great source for vitamins and minerals too, with zinc, iodine, potassium and vitamin B5 all active within yogurt.

8. Flax Seeds
Introducing flax seeds into your diet is one effective way of shedding those unwanted pounds. The monounsaturated fats found in flax seed shelp to bring down body fat and lower cholesterol levels.

 Flax seeds are not only a must for anyone looking to get a flat belly, but also for anyone who suffers from frequent bloating. With high levels of fibre, the seeds will keep your digestive system in good health and reduce bloated feelings.

9. Green Tea
This fat-burning plant has been used for thousands of years! One way this antioxidant rich tea promotes fat-burning is by its caffeine content.

 Moderate amounts of caffeine have been shown to aid in burning fat and improving exercise performance.

 But the star of green tea is the antioxidant called epigallocatech in gallate or EGCG. Studies show that this compound can boost metabolism and help you burn more calories during exercise and at rest.

10. Coffee
Caffeine in coffee has been studied for its efficacy in increasing metabolism and burning fat. Coffee has been proven to increase your body’smetabolic rate by around 3 to 13 percent.

 A study conducted suggested that people who consumed coffee before exercise burnt 17% more fat than those who did not take coffee.

 However since caffeine is connected to anxiousnessand insomnia try to limit it to 4 cups per day. Coffee without sugar is most efficient.

11. Berries
 Though berries are little, they arefierce. Raspberries, blackberries and strawberries are all high in fiber and low in sugar.
But that's not all there is still more about this fat burning foods.

They can help stabilize blood glucose or bloodsugar, suppress appetite and increase metabolism.

 A study found that in mice, they spiked metabolism,causing the critters to burn more heat and lose body fat over time even though theirfood intake remained the same.

12. Pineapple

Pineapple contains bromelain, whichworks with other enzymes in your body to help break down and digest fats. Research suggests that it also aids in appetite suppression and increases fat excretion.

 Plus, a 100 gram serving of pineapple or about two thin slices contains 58 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which your body needs to keep your skin strong and to counter the damaging free radical effectsof exercise and pollution.

13. Coconut Oil

Here’s the secret to burningmore calories at rest: coconut oil. The magic lies in its composition of Medium chain a Fatty Acids   which are metabolized differently than longer chain fats.

 As they move directly to the liver from the digestive tract, they are immediately used by your body for energy.

 Coconut oil also helps pump up your metabolism because it is thermogenic. That means it helps boost energy expenditureas compared to the same amount of calories from other kinds of fat.

 Also, it helps reduce your appetite, so you can lose more fat in the long run.

14. Celery

Curb your snacking habits by munchingon some celery sticks. Composed of 75 percent water, 25 percent fiber and other rough age, celery sticks contain far fewer calories than your body will taketo digest them. Apart from burning more calories than it contains, celery also helps to keep you full for a longer period of time.

15. Apple Cider vinegar

This pantry staple can actually help you lose weight by reducing sugar cravings and helping to balance blood sugar, thanks to its active ingredient called acetic acid.

 Having apple cider vinegar before a meal maymake you feel fuller with less food and protect against obesity.

 Additionally, it works as a natural way todetox your body and balance your stomach’s pH. Because the substance is highly acidic, try adding a tablespoon or two to a glass of water before drinking. 

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